We want you to be successful at Indiana State University—and to take advantage of all of the financial opportunities you may be eligible to receive. We have many resources available for you to access on our website and we are more than happy to provide any additional assistance that may help you along the way. For our office location, hours and contact information - click here.
Helpful Guide to Getting Started
Use the timeline below to make sure you are taking the right steps for a great first year! Click the steps to reveal/hide the answer.
If you are currently enrolled at another school, let them know about your plans to transfer as soon as possible. Be aware that aid from one school to another can vary significantly.
Need assistance? Contact the Office of Admissions
Submit required official transcripts from previous institutions using one of the following methods:
- Email | admissions@whtmy.com
- Mail | 318 N Sixth Street Terre Haute IN 47809
- Parchment | www.parchment.com
Activate your MyISU portal to access official university email, find important information, and complete key steps. With information provided in your admissions letter, activate your portal using a desktop computer. Click “Activate Your Sycamore Login.” You’ll use your University username and ID number from your letter, birth date, and last four digits of your Social Security Number.
For assistance with MyISU Portal activation contact our OIT Help Desk at 812-237-2910.
File the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) using our federal school code 001807 by April 15th (Indiana Residents) to be considered for all possible Indiana Commission of Higher Education funding.
For more information, contact the Office of Student Financial Aid at 800-841-4744.
ISU Scholarships are listed in the Branch. Remember, you must be admitted to ISU.
Scholarships from other resources are always a great help. Visit our Types of Aid page for other scholarship opportunities. Be sure to let us know of your outside scholarships by completing the Scholarship Notification Form
Beginning mid-January, Financial Aid Notification (FAN) packets are mailed and the document can also be viewed in your MyISU Portal account. The portal is your go-to resource for real-time information about your financial aid status, requirements, account balance and awards.
Accept our offer of admission and secure your place by confirming your enrollment
Register for orientation by selecting a one day State Orientation session. You’ll sign up for classes with an academic advisor, speak with a financial aid representative, and discover what to expect when you return to campus for the State Engage (part two of your required orientation). Note, you must pay your enrollment deposit before registering for State Orientation.
Indicate your intention to live on campus by submitting your housing contract or exemption form to Residential Life. Note that you must first activate your MyISU portal and pay your enrollment deposit before you can start your housing process.
For more information, contact Residential Life at (812)237-3993
Submit health and immunization documents before you attend State Orientation (required by the State of Indiana Department of Health).
For more information, contact the Office of Registration and Records at (812) 237-2020.
For details about Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans – visit Types of Aid.
Students that are eligible for Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans will need to make a decision to accept or decline. After July 10th make your decision on your MyISU Portal (portal assistance)
If you choose to accept your Federal Student Loans, then complete Entrance Counseling and the Master Promissory Note.
If a student applies for Financial Aid by submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the Office of Student Financial Aid will consider the student for many forms of student aid, including federal, state, or ISU-specific grants and scholarships.
Indiana State University offers a variety of programs to assist with finding money to cover educational expenses. Explore these Links for detailed information.
Take the required math and optional non-native language placement tests before attending State Orientation.
- Attend State Orientation
- Attend State Engage to get ready for your life at State (both are required)
Approximately 10 days prior to the beginning of the term, aid will disburse to your ISU student account. If you are expecting a refund, sign up for direct deposit.
On the first day of the semester, Bursar bills are due for students who are already enrolled. Be sure to pay online by the due date.
Be sure to pay your remaining balance with the University to avoid registration holds.
Reminder: Text books are not included in your bill. Do not rely on Federal aid to purchase text books
Parking permits are available through ISU Public Safety
ISU also provides a free Campus Bus around campus and the downtown area; just show your University ID when boarding.
Arrange Accommodations for Disabilities
If you require accommodations for documented disabilities, contact the Center for Student Success for academic needs or contact Residential Life for housing needs.
Investigate Veterans Benefits
Explore veterans’ benefits and eligibility
Keeping Your Aid
Many students are not aware that there are steps to undertake to ensure that they maintain eligibility from year to year.
Following are general guidelines for keeping financial aid as an undergraduate. If you have a question, please ask us.
- Go to class! If you never attend your classes, you will not be eligible to receive aid. The same rule applies if you withdraw from courses or even audit courses. Be watchful of your enrollment hours as they may impact your loans and scholarships.
- Study! You need to earn at least a 2.0 GPA to keep your aid. Higher GPA requirements apply for scholarship renewal.
- Reapply for aid! October 1st each year. Funding rules are subject to change on a yearly basis, so the earlier you apply, the better.
- Research your Scholarships! Many scholarships are renewed automatically. For ISU scholarships from the Office of Admissions, renewal criteria is posted at rules and regulations. For other awards, check with the organization awarding your scholarship for renewal procedures and criteria.
- Stay in touch! If a situation arises in which you have financial difficulty, need to completely withdraw, or encounter an emergency, we may be able to help.
Related links: Satisfactory academic progress policy | Special circumstances | Sycamore emergency loan | Withdrawal policy
Transferring From ISU to Another School
If you are transferring to another school, there's some things you may need to take care of!
1. Update the FAFSA
- The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will need to be updated with the other school information.
2. Request ISU Transcripts
- You worked hard for those credits, be sure to request your transcripts. Both paper and electronic transcripts can be ordered online with the Office of Registration and Records.
3. Cancel Pending Loans
- Federal Direct Student Loans – to cancel, complete a Loan Reduction Form.
- Federal Direct PLUS Loans – to cancel, complete a PLUS Loan Adjustment Form.
- Alternative Private Loan – to cancel, contact the lender.
- Complete Exit Counseling for ISU at StudentAid.gov
4. Notify Your Donors
- Outside Scholarships – If you received any scholarships or grants from non-university sources, you are responsible to notify each donor to send future funds to your new school.
5. Official Withdrawal
- Make sure you have cancelled any pending class registrations for upcoming semesters. For more details on Official Withdrawal view the policy with Office of Registration and Records.
Resources for Financial Aid
There are many resources available on this website to help you with your Financial Aid questions. Here are a few links that may assist you: